Web App
Make sure your device is on a network with the PoleFX Player.
You can join its Wi-Fi network in Access Point mode, configure it to join your existing Wi-Fi network, or connect it to your network via Ethernet. Navigate in Chrome to: polefx.local
UI Overview
1 Pole Preview:
This section provides a preview of the LED patterns displayed on the pole.
2 Page Content:
The main content area, based on the selected page (section 5).
3 Play Mode Settings:
Single: Loops the currently selected pattern Shuffle: Random cycling through the active patterns Playlist: Sequentially cycle through the active patterns
Shuffle and playlist modes change the pattern on an interval specified by the Autoplay Timer, set in the Adjust page.
4 Pattern Select:
Next and Previous refer to the order of the patterns in the playlist.
5 Pages:
Change what is shown in the Page Content area.