DMX Control

DMX512 is a standard communication protocol widely used in the entertainment industry for controlling stage lighting and effects.

The PoleFX Player can optionally use DMX to control various functions. To set up DMX:

  1. Connect to the PoleFX Player’s web app at http://polefx.local.
  2. Go to the settings page.
  3. On the settings page, ensure that the DMX option is enabled.
  4. Configure the start channel.

Use the “Monitor Serial” checkbox to verify incoming DMX signals. Disable it during normal operation for optimal performance.

Physical DMX Connection

Connect an XLR cable to the 3-pin screw terminal using the following pinout:

Pin Function
1 Ground
2 Data -
3 Data +

PoleFX Player

DMX Channel Assignments

Channel Parameter Values Function
1 Brightness 0-100 0: Off
100: Max brightness
2 Monochrome Mode 0-180 0: Monochrome mode off
1-180: Monochrome hue
3 Pattern 0-255 Current Pattern Index
4 Color Offset 0-255 0: No offset
1-255: Hue shift amount
5 Autoplay Mode 0-2 0: Looping each, timer off
1: Looping each, timer on, random
2: Looping off, timer off, sequential
6 Text Brightness 0-100 0: Text Off
100: Max Text Brightness NOTE: not currently working 6/9/24
7 Transition Time 0-255 Number of frames to fade out and in during pattern changes NOTE: unsure if currently working 6/9/24
8 Text Index 0-4 Message index to display (Set the messages in web app) NOTE: not currently working 6/9/24
9 Cue Pattern 0-1 0: Standby Mode (pattern ready to play)
Transition from 0->1 or 1->0: Cue pattern from start
2-255: Skip to corresponding percentage into pattern file (val/255)*duration